Darryl Stallworth – Cal [00:00:00] Louis Goodman: Hello and welcome to Love Thy Lawyer. We’ll talk to real lawyers about their lives in and out of the practice of law, how they got to be lawyers and what their experience has been. I’m Louis Goodman, the host of the show, and yes, I’m a lawyer. Nobody’s perfect. He is a veteran of the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office. He has tried over 60 cases to jury verdict, including numerous felony murders and a special circumstances death case. He has taught and lectured internationally on effective…Read More
Many parents do not realize that they can face liability for their minor child’s crimes. For any parent, seeing their child being accused of a crime can be stressful and overwhelming. Besides fearing for the child’s future, a parent whose child is in trouble with the law has one more thing to worry about: parental responsibility. If your child committed a crime, you need to protect both your child and yourself. As an Oakland criminal defense attorney with decades of experience representing underage defendants and adults, I am committed to preserving the rights of minor…Read More
The Phone Call: It’s Saturday morning and you’re waking-up slightly hungover to the sound of your cell phone ringing. You ignore it and your mind drifts to the night before. There was a party, plenty of beer and cheap vodka. There was a girl. After a few drinks together, the conversation was easy and things between you were moving at a quick pace. Somehow, you made it to her place and had sex. Getting home was a blur. The phone buzzes again, pulling you from your semi-conscious state. “Campus Police” displays on the caller ID…Read More
As a Deputy District Attorney in Alameda County in early 2003, I was offered a career-making case. In October of 2002, Demarcus Ralls and his seven co-defendants had embarked on an unprecedented three-month journey of murder and terror. Accepting the case meant I was ready to ask for this young man to be executed. It was the first time in my life I had spent any serious time thinking about the death penalty, in my rush to say yes, I failed to pause and seriously consider what I would have to do. The bottom-line question…Read More
Alameda County Bar Association 2015 Distinguished Service Award for Lawyer: Darryl Stallworth, Law Office of Darryl Stallworth A former District Attorney for Alameda County with over 50 jury trials under his belt, Darryl moved into private criminal defense practice in 2007. Darryl became a member of the Court Appointed Attorneys Program (CAAP) in 2010, joined the CAAP Advisory Committee in 2011, and served as the Chair of that Committee from 2012-2014. Darryl is active in the community, having served as President of the Charles Houston Bar Association, a member of the California Association of Black Lawyers,…Read More