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According to statistics from the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, there were 166,890 domestic violence-related calls to law enforcement in California in 2018, with several others going unreported. In California, domestic violence involves both physical and non-physical abuse of a family member, household member, or intimate partner. A person convicted of domestic violence may face massive fines, lengthy jail time, a restraining order, deportation, and other life-altering consequences.

If you've been arrested and charged with domestic violence, it is imperative that you retain a highly skilled and aggressive California criminal defense attorney to help outline your defense strategy. I'm dedicated to offering experienced legal counsel and comprehensive representation to individuals facing domestic violence allegations. I will review and investigate every last detail of your case and strategize an effective defense for your personal situation.

My firm — Darryl A. Stallworth Law Office — proudly serves clients across Oakland, California, and the surrounding areas of San Francisco, Alameda County, Northern California, and the Bay Area.

Domestic Violence In California

According to California Family Code Section 6211, "domestic violence" is defined as "abuse" perpetrated against any of the following persons:

  • A current or former spouse
  • A cohabitant or former cohabitant
  • A person with whom the defendant is having or has had a dating or engagement relationship
  • A person with whom the defendant has had a child
  • A child of the defendant
  • Any other person related to the defendant

Protect Your Rights

General Provisions Of The Law

Under California Family Code Section 6203, a person commits "abuse" when they:

  • Intentionally or recklessly cause or attempt to cause bodily injury
  • Commit any form of sexual assault
  • Place a person in reasonable fear of imminent danger or serious bodily injury
  • Exhibit behavior such as threatening, harassing, stalking, hitting, or destroying a person's personal property

It is important to note that domestic violence is not always physical abuse. Such domestic abuse may be emotional, psychological, or verbal.

Possible Penalties

The possible penalties and consequences of a California domestic violence conviction include:

  • Jail Time: Mandatory minimum jail time of up to one year in county jail for misdemeanor domestic abuse, or up to four years in state prison for felony domestic abuse.
  • Fines: A maximum fine of up to $2,000. You will also pay restitution to the victim to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and counseling.
  • Loss of Firearms: You will lose your right to purchase or possess firearms.
  • Anger Management Classes: Mandatory participation in a "batterer's intervention program."
  • Loss of Parenting Privileges/Custody: You may lose your child custody rights and other parenting privileges.
  • Restraining Order: A domestic violence protective or restraining order may be issued against you, preventing you from getting close to the victim's family, home, school, or workplace.
  • Possible Deportation: If you’re a non-U.S. citizen, there may be immigration consequences, such as possible deportation or being refused admission into the United States.
  • Criminal Record: A domestic violence conviction becomes part of your permanent criminal record showing your criminal history. This will be available to the public in background checks.

Work With A Skilled Criminal Defense Attorney

Trying to defend yourself against a domestic violence accusation can expose you to the risks of being convicted and facing the maximum penalties. If convicted, you could be facing a lengthy prison sentence, huge fines, a restraining order, deportation, and other social ramifications. When defending your domestic violence charges, it is crucial that you have an effective defense strategy that fits your personal situation.

At my firm, I have devoted my career to handling criminal defense cases and defending clients facing domestic violence charges. As your attorney, I will review all the facts of your unique situation, conduct an in-depth investigation, and strategize an effective defense in pursuit of a favorable outcome for your case. Using my comprehensive knowledge and legal understanding, I will help you navigate the California criminal justice system and continue fighting to protect your rights and ensure that you get a fair hearing.

Domestic Violence Defense Attorney In Oakland, CA

Facing domestic violence allegations can be scary. Contact my firm — Darryl A. Stallworth Law Office — to schedule a one-on-one consultation. I will fight aggressively to protect your rights and represent you in every stage of the legal process. I represent clients across Oakland, Alameda, Emeryville, Berkeley, Piedmont, San Francisco, Alameda County, Northern California, and the Bay Area.

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(510) 907-6644

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